Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I have been wading through grief these past few weeks.  The anniversaries of the death of a family friend and 9-11, a dear family friend in the hospital in grave condition, and a few other private pains that are not mine to tell.  I haven't written anything in over a year, but it's times like these when putting pen to paper is cathartic.

This is for everyone, because we've all had our seasons of sorrow.  And if now is one of those seasons for you, time may not heal all wounds, but Love will bring you peace -- maybe even sooner than you think.

by Catherine M Braun

The sky was cloudless today,
a bright cheerful thing
when I would have wished for rain.

And my heart is heavy tonight,
weighed down with this grief –
engulfed in its echos and aches –

winding around and through my chest,
constricting my breath
and emptying my soul.

I feel the whisper of your ghost in my ear,
gnawing with sharp, poisonous teeth,
telling me what I want to hear.

But all there is,
is this demon of silence

mocking me.