Monday, September 5, 2011

ocean breezes

Ocean Breezes
by Catherine M Braun

It could be opal
or mother-of-pearl
abalone shell.
Maybe a puddle on the road,
slick with oil.
A perfect glass surface
iridescent in the waning sunset.
The hazy horizon a dusky purple
as the sun slips down
behind islands that look like mountains.

Down here in the valley that is not
I ache; I’m awed by the beauty.
I taste salt on my lips.

This, this is what I miss
when I’m surrounded by rolling green hills
and mountains that smoke,
when I taste damp with every breath –
only this –
and blue mountains, golden foothills
that fall to the sea.

The salt finds its way.
Ocean breezes flow overland
two thousand miles to roll down my face.

1 comment:

  1. Can this be my new anthem? I LOVE this - and I love you!
